Classic…yet not.

Punctuation and Alf

Finally, a song that combines punctuation, albeit incorrectly, and Alf. (Get the facts here. Shout out to Erin Sundie for the links.)

Cat vs. Dog

Spot on!

Kmart Again

Kmart is on to something, even if it’s being childish. Will be interesting to see if views translate to sales.

“If you don’t use the toilet, you’re a celebrity.”

Today uploaded another in their great line of video PSAs asking supporters of clean water for all to join Matt Damon in his toilet boycott. Pure genius as always, pure genius…

It all started here:

And soon went here:

Conan Sets the Record Straight About Being “22”

“I know what makes you a boy…”

Gotta love Agnes:

Bill Burr…Dog Whisperer

You gotta love Bill Burr’s observations. His bits on his dog Cleo are always hilarious. Just love that he adopted a pittie.

Stupid Phone

At least three times this week, my “smart” phone froze during the bus ride to work, throwing a wicked wrench into my chances of winning solitaire.

Google Glass and Fred Armisen: When Life Imitates Art

Wait…if the SNL skit came first then which one’s the parody?

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